Meghan e Harry vão informar sobre coronavírus no Instagram

O casal anunciou que vai postar informações de especialistas durante período de quarentena

Meghan Markle e príncipe Harry falaram sobre a pandemia do coronavírus pela primeira vez. Em sua conta no Instagram, o casal anunciou que vai usar a plataforma para compartilhar recursos e informações de especialistas confiáveis sobre o vírus, além de trabalhar com organizações que possam fornecer apoio e bem-estar emocional.



O comunicado encoraja os seguidores a ter compaixão e empatia com os outros neste momento difícil e diz que vai focar em histórias inspiradoras de todos que estão se conectando ao redor do mundo, de formas grandes e pequenas, para que anime a todos.



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These are uncertain times. And now, more than ever, we need each other. We need each other for truth, for support, and to feel less alone during a time that can honestly feel quite scary. There are so many around the world who need support right now, who are working tirelessly to respond to this crisis behind the scenes, on the frontline, or at home. Our willingness, as a people, to step up in the face of what we are all experiencing with COVID-19 is awe-inspiring. This moment is as true a testament there is to the human spirit. We often speak of compassion. All of our lives are in some way affected by this, uniting each of us globally. How we approach each other and our communities with empathy and kindness is indisputably important right now. Over the coming weeks, this will be our guiding principle. We will be sharing information and resources to help all of us navigate the uncertainty: from posting accurate information and facts from trusted experts, to learning about measures we can take to keep ourselves and our families healthy, to working with organisations that can support our mental and emotional well-being. In addition, we will focus on the inspiring stories of how so many of you around the world are connecting in ways big and small to lift all of us up. We are all in this together, and as a global community we can support each other through this process – and build a digital neighbourhood that feels safe for every one of us. We look forward to sharing more over the days and weeks to come…

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on


Por Gabriela Neumann

Foto: Reprodução Instagram

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